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Serendipity Therapeutic Consultancy Limited及其子公司、附屬公司及關聯公司 (統稱「STC」)(在本私隱政策聲明中,也被稱為「我們」,視適用情況而定)明白我們根據香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(該「《條例》」)的責任並致力於保護我們收集的個人資料的隱私、機密性及安全性。


請注意,如 閣下沒有向我們提供某類別在收集時被指定為必須提供的個人資料,我們可能無法提供 閣下要求的資訊、產品或服務或無法處理 閣下的要求、申請或登記(視情況而定)。

如 閣下對本私隱政策聲明或我們如何使用 閣下的個人資料有任何疑問,請通過下文所載的任何一種通訊渠道與我們聯繫。


我們可能會為了以下目的而收集、使用及保留 閣下的個人資料(包括但不限於 閣下的姓名、郵寄地址、電話號碼、電子郵件地址及出生日期):

  • 處理 閣下的申請及登記使用我們的服務;

  • 向 閣下提供我們的服務及與此服務相關的賬戶管理;

  • 處理及跟進查詢、投訴或反饋;

  • 管理、操作、維持及改進我們向閣下提供的服務;

  • 我們的產品及/或服務的營銷;

  • 進行研究和統計分析以改善我們的服務以及營銷和促銷目的;

  • 預防及/或偵查罪案;根據對我們具有約束力的任何法律底下滿足任何香港的政府、法律或監管機構的要求;及與上列任何一項有直接關聯或附帶的其他目的。



我們打算使用 閣下的個人資料(包括 閣下的姓名、手機號碼、電子郵件地址及其他資料)向 閣下對於我們的易經、中國傳統文化及相關學術推廣和服務之優惠和促銷作出直銷推廣(通過電子郵件、電話、短信或類似方式)。除非 閣下同意(包括表示不反對)並且隨後沒有選擇退出,否則我們不會將 閣下的個人資料用於直銷推廣。

如果 閣下的個人資料用於直銷推廣,我們可能會將其傳遞予其他有約定責任保護 閣下的個人資料的第三方服務供應商,以保護 閣下的個人資料受到未經授權或意外查閱、處理、刪除及使用。


我們可能會向以下各方披露和轉移(無論是在香港還是海外)閣下 的個人資料:

  • 任何與上文段落標題為“目的” 裡所定的目的而向我們提供行政、數據處理、研究和營銷、金融、資訊科技、電訊、支付、送貨、專業、售後或其他服務的承包商、代理或服務供應商;

  • 我們的服務合作夥伴,以方便我們為 閣下提供服務;

  • STC的任何成員,並提供予STC的適當人士;

  • 任何第三方服務供應商,如果 閣下選擇使用或接受他們的服務;

  • 我們有法律義務向其提供此類資料的任何政府、法律或監管機構;

  • 任何因合併、出售或轉讓(無論是資產或股份)而對 閣下的個人資料有權利的實際或擬受讓人或繼承人;及

  • 在收集個人資料時已通知 閣下的其他方。


我們可能會出於各種目的(包括營銷和廣告)與第三方共享綜合數據(閣下的個人身份不會被識別),並可能使用此類資料令我們更好地了解 閣下的需要並改進及調整我們的產品和服務。

我們可能有必要及/或為審慎起見將某些個人資料及/或資料轉移給STC成員或位於香港以外的服務供應商。如果我們的伺服器、供應商及/或服務供應商位於海外,或 閣下在海外使用我們的服務,則可能會發生這種情況。我們將採取措施確保此類海外第三方會根據本隱私政策聲明使用 閣下的個人資料及/或資料,並確保此類海外第三方遵守嚴格的保密及資料保護義務。


我們將採取一切切實可行的措施以確保我們所持有 閣下之個人資料的安全性及避免其在被未經授權下或意外地被查閱、刪除或其他使用,並確保個人資料只能由授權人員查閱。

閣下應意識到沒有任何系統是不可滲透的,並且通過互聯網提供的資料也不能被確保是完全安全的。因此,我們無法保證 閣下通過互聯網傳送給我們或經我們而接收的任何資料的安全性。在法律允許的範圍內,我們對於傳送到我們的網站及/或移動應用程式的個人資料的任何安全漏洞或意外損失或披露均不負責。


我們會在貫徹資料被收集的目的合理所需的時間內保留 閣下的個人資料,其後 閣下的個人資料將被銷毀,除非 閣下的個人資料需要被保留以滿足任何法律、監管或會計要求或保護我們的利益。


我們的網站及移動應用程式均使用 cookies。 Cookies 是存儲在 閣下設備上的數據文件,用於確保網站及移動應用程式的正常運作。這些數據文件將記錄 閣下所游覽的網站或移動應用程式,並允許追蹤及實施 閣下的偏好和設置。通過使用 cookies 從 閣下所收集的資料用於編制一些網站或移動應用程式裡某特定範圍的游覽頻率的一般統計數據,令到網站或移動應用程式可被定制為更方便和易於使用。除非 閣下明確向我們提供該資料,否則任何個人資料不會被收集。閣下可以通過修改設備上的設置拒絕接受設備上的 cookies,但這樣可能會令 閣下無法使用我們的網站或移動應用程式的某些功能或特性。


我們可能在我們的網站/移動應用程式上託管由第三方商家營運的網上商店或服務供應商。如 閣下欲使用、訂購或接收他們的任何服務及/或產品,請注意 閣下提供的任何個人資料一旦轉移到相關商戶,便超出了我們的控制範圍,因此超出了我們所提供的保護範圍。


本隱私政策聲明適用於我們的網站及移動應用程式。我們的網站/移動應用程式可能包含其他第三方網站的連結,而這些網站可能會收集 閣下的個人資料。這些其他第三方網站對個人資料的收集和使用超出了我們的控制範圍,並受相關第三方網站的隱私政策所約束。我們對這些第三方網站的任何隱私政策均不負責。


我們不會在知情的情況下接受 13 歲以下的兒童的資料,而其也不該在未經其父母或監護人的同意下向我們提交任何個人資料。然而,本隱私政策聲明適用於我們的網站/移動應用程式的所有用戶,即使我們無法區分使用我們的網站/移動應用程式的用戶之年齡。如任何兒童在未經其父母或監護人同意的情況下向我們提供了個人資料,其父母或監護人應與我們聯絡及要求刪除該資料。



  • 檢查我們是否持有 閣下的任何個人資料;

  • 查閱我們所持有 閣下的個人資料;

  • 查明我們所持有的個人資料的種類;

  • 要求我們更正任何不準確的個人資料;

  • 查明我們對於個人資料的政策及常規(不時);及

  • 隨時選擇不接收我們的直銷推廣資料。



Serendipity Therapeutic Consultancy Limited


我們可能會要求 閣下提供有關 閣下的某些詳細資料,以便我們確定 閣下是該個人資料所指的人。







Privacy Policy

Serendipity Therapeutic Consultancy Limited and its subsidiaries, affiliates and related companies (together the “STC”) (and also referred to as "we", "us", “our” for the purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement as appropriate) recognize our responsibilities under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“PDPO”) and are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal data collected by us.

In relation to any personal data supplied to us through our website, mobile application or otherwise, continued use by you of our website or mobile application or your continued relationship with us shall be deemed to be your acceptance of and consent to this Privacy Policy Statement, as amended from time to time.

Please note that if you do not provide us with certain categories of personal data which are specified to be mandatory at the time of collection, we may not be able to provide the information, products or services you have asked for or process your requests, applications or registrations (as the case may be).

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy Statement or how we use your personal data, please contact us through one of the communication channels set out below.


We may collect your personal data including but not limited to your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address and date of birth, which may be used and retained by us for the following purposes:

  • processing your application and registration for our services;

  • providing you with our services and administering your account in relation to such services; handling and following up enquiries, complaints or feedback;

  • managing, operating, maintaining and improving our services provided to you;

  • marketing of our products and/or services; conducting research and statistical analysis in order to improve our services and for marketing and promotional purposes; prevention and/or detection of crime; meeting the requirements of any governmental, legal or regulatory authority in Hong Kong under the requirements of any law binding on us; and other purposes directly relating or incidental to any of the above.

Direct Marketing

We intend to use your personal data (including your name, mobile phone number, email address and other information) for direct marketing to you (by email, phone, STC or the like) in relation to offers and promotions from us for I Ching, Chinese cultural heritage and related academic promotions, products and services. We will not use your personal data for direct marketing unless you have given your consent (which may include an indication of no objection) and have not subsequently opted out.

Where your personal data is used for direct marketing, it may be passed by us to third party service providers who are under contractual obligations to protect your personal data against unauthorized or accidental access, process, erasure and use.

Other Transfers of Your Personal Data

We may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) your personal data to the following parties:

  • any contractor, agent or service provider which provides administrative, data processing, research and marketing, financial, information technologies, telecommunications, payment, delivery, professional, after-sale or other services to us, in connection with the purposes specified under the paragraph headed “Purpose” above;

  • our service partners to facilitate our services to you;

  • any members of the STC and made available to appropriate persons in the STC;

  • any third party service providers if you opt to use or receive services from them;

  • any governmental, legal or regulatory authority to which we have a legal duty to provide such data;

  • any actual or proposed assignee, transferee or successor of or to our rights in respect of your personal data in connection with a merger, sale or transfer (whether assets or shares); and

  • other parties as notified to you at the time of collection of personal data.

We may share aggregate data (which does not allow you to be identified personally) with third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising), and may use such data in order to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt our products and services.

It may be necessary and/or prudent for us to transfer certain personal data and/or data to members of the STC or service providers outside of Hong Kong. This may occur if our servers, suppliers and/or service providers are based overseas or if you use our services while you are overseas. We will take steps to ensure that your personal data and/or data is used by such overseas third parties in accordance with this Privacy Policy Statement and that such overseas third parties observe strict confidentiality and data protection obligations.

Data Security

We will take all practicable steps to ensure the security of your personal data held by us and to avoid unauthorized or accidental access, erasure or other use, and that the personal data may only be accessed by authorized personnel.

You should be aware that no system is impenetrable and no information provided over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us or receive from us over the internet. To the extent permitted by the law, we shall not be liable for any security breach or inadvertent loss or disclosure of personal data transmitted to our website and/or mobile application.

Data Retention

Your personal data will be retained for as long as reasonably required to fulfil the purpose(s) of collection, after which your personal data will then be destroyed unless retention is required to satisfy any legal, regulatory or accounting requirements or to protect our interests.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our website and mobile application. Cookies are data files which are stored on your device to ensure the functioning of websites and mobile applications. These data files will document your visit to a website or a mobile application and allow tracking and implementation of your preferences and settings. This information collected from you through the use of cookies are used to compile general statistics in relation to how often certain areas of the website or mobile application are visited such that the website or mobile application may be tailored to be more useful and user-friendly. No personal data will be collected unless you explicitly provide that information to us. You may refuse to accept cookies on your device by modifying the settings on your device. However, if you do so, you may be unable to use certain functions or features of our website or mobile application.

Third Party Merchants

We may have online stores or service providers hosted on our website/mobile application which are operated by third party merchants. If you want to use, order or receive any services and/or products from any of them, please note that any personal data you provide, once transferred to the relevant merchant, is beyond our control and thus outside the scope of protection afforded by us.

Links to Third Party Websites

This Privacy Policy Statement applies to our website and mobile application. Our website/mobile application may contain links to other third party websites which may collect your personal data. The collection and use of personal data by these other third party websites are beyond our control and are subject to the privacy policies of the relevant third party website. We shall not be responsible for any privacy policies of those third party websites.


We do not knowingly accept information from children under the age of 13 and they shall not submit any personal data to us without the consent of his parent or guardian. However, this Privacy Policy Statement applies to all users of our website/mobile application even though we are unable to distinguish the age of users of our website/mobile application. If a child has provided us with personal data without the consent of his parent or guardian, the parent or guardian should contact us to request for the removal of the information.

Personal Data Access and Correction

Under the PDPO, you have the right to:

  • check whether we hold any of your personal data;

  • access to your personal data held by us;

  • ascertain the types of personal data held by us;

  • request us to correct any personal data which is inaccurate;

  • ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to personal data; and

  • opt out from receiving direct marketing materials from us at any time.


All requests for data access or correction shall be made in writing (sent by post or email) and addressed to:

By Post:
Serendipity Therapeutic Consultancy Limited
Room 901, Champion Building 301-309 Nathan Road, Jordon, Kowloon, HKSAR

By Email:

We may ask you to provide certain details about yourself so that we can ascertain you are the person to whom the personal data refers.

We are entitled to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access or correction request.

Variation of Privacy Policy Statement

We reserve the right to amend or update this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time at our sole discretion.


In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy Statement, the English version shall prevail.

November 2023

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